In-House Dental Plan
In-House Dental Plan is not traditional dental insurance but is one of the best alternatives and affordable.
It is designed to make dental wellness easy and affordable. By being a member of intelligent health, we can reward you for taking responsibility for your oral health. Preventative dentistry costs far less than restorative dentistry.
Why Our Plan?
Low-cost membership
No waiting period
Use your plan immediately, as many times as you need it, and with no limits on use.
Annual fees:
Adult $450 / year
Child $248 / year
Plan Coverages
Adult, Child (up to the age of 17)
The plan includes 12 months:
3 Regular cleanings,
1 FMX (x-ray),
Two dental exams,
1 Emergency exam (includes 1 PA and 1 BW).
Other dental procedures are discounted at 15% (Not applicable for cosmetic procedures)
Auto annual renewal 5% off membership fee.
1. If there is required for periodontal maintenance. The first three (3) Perio cleanings, additional charge $40 / periodontal maintenance. The fourth one will be at the applicable discount rate
2. Not applicable for cosmetic procedures
3. One time processing fee $35